
Othent JS SDK completeConnectionAfterRedirect() function

If and only if you set the auth0LogInMethod = "redirect" option, users will be redirected to Auth0 to authenticate and then back to your application. When they land back in your application, you must call completeConnectionAfterRedirect() to complete the authentication process.

By default, callbackUriWithParams = location.href, if you environment supports it. Otherwise, you'll have to manually pass an URI with the code and state params provided by Auth0, which handles the redirect callback.

See Auth0's handleRedirectCallback.


  callbackUriWithParams?: Auth0RedirectUriWithParams,
): Promise<UserDetails | null>;

callbackUriWithParams?: Auth0RedirectUriWithParams

Default: location.href

URI with code and state params provided by Auth0.

return Promise<UserDetails | null>

A Promise with the UserDetails or null if the log in modal was closed, could not even be opened or authentication failed.

Example usage

import { Othent } from "@othent/kms";

const MyComponent = () => {
  const othent = useMemo(() => {
    return new Othent(options);
  }, [options]);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [othent])

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