
Othent JS SDK getActiveAddress() function

Returns the Arweave wallet address associated with the active (authenticated) user account.

The wallet address is derived from the corresponding public key (see getActivePublicKey()).


getActiveAddress(): Promise<B64UrlString | "">;

return Promise<B64UrlString | "">

A Promise with the wallet address (Base64 URL-encoded string) of the active users, or an empty string if the user is not authenticated.

Example usage

import { Othent } from "@othent/kms";

const othent = new Othent({ appInfo, throwErrors: false, ... });

// Make sure the user is authenticated, or prompt them to authenticate:
await othent.requireAuth();

// Obtain the user's wallet address:
const address = await othent.getActiveAddress();

console.log(`Your wallet address is ${ address }.`);

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