
Othent JS SDK constructor() function

Instantiate Othent.


  options: OthentOptions,
): Othent;

options: OthentOptions

Options to customize Othent's behavior when instantiating it.

Take a look at the TypeScript OthentOptions and OthentConfig interfaces on GitHub for additional details.

The following options are available:

  • appInfo: AppInfo

    Must / can contain the following properties:

    • name: string

      Name of your app. This will add a tag App-Name: <appName> to any transaction signed or sent using Othent.sign, Othent.dispatch or Othent.signDataItem.

    • version: string

      Version of your app. This will add a tag App-Version: <appVersion> to any transaction signed or sent using Othent.sign, Othent.dispatch or Othent.signDataItem.

    • env: string

      Environment your app is currently running on (e.g. "development", "staging", "production", ...). This will add a tag App-Env: <appEnv> to any transaction signed or sent using Othent.sign, Othent.dispatch or Othent.signDataItem.

      If no value (empty string) is provided, this will automatically be set to "development" if location.hostname = "localhost" or "production" otherwise.

    • logo?: UrlString

      Image with the logo of your app. Optional and not used for now.

  • gatewayConfig?: GatewayConfig

    Gateway config to connect to Arweave.

  • persistCookie: boolean | OthentStorageKey

    Default: false

    Set this to true or the name of the cookie where you'd like the user details JSON to be stored. Useful when you use SSR and need to user details to be available on the server.

    The cookie will expire after refreshTokenExpirationMs.

    Note setting this option to true will set the cookie on client / frontend, but you'll have to manually recover it on the server / backend, and pass it to Othent's constructor as initialUserDetails.

  • persistLocalStorage: boolean | OthentStorageKey

    Default: false

    Set this to true or the name of the localStorage item where you'd like the user details JSON to be stored. Useful to immediately sync user details and authentication status across tabs, and to make it look to users as if they were already authenticated when coming back to your app before refreshTokenExpirationMs, even if the session still needs to be refreshed by calling connect() or requireAuth().

    The stored values will be removed / discarded if more than refreshTokenExpirationMs have passed, but will remain in localStorage until the user logs out or until that time has passed and Othent is instantiated again.

  • initialUserDetails?: UserDetails | null

    Initial user details. Useful for server-side rendered sites or native apps that might store the most recent user details externally (e.g. cookie or SharedPreferences).

  • debug: boolean

    Default: false

    Enable additional logs.

  • inject: boolean

    Default: false

    Inject Othent's instance as globalThis.arweaveWallet so that arweave-js can use it on the background.

  • serverBaseURL: string

    API base URL. Needed if you are using a private/self-hosted API and Auth0 tenant.

  • auth0Domain: string

    Auth0 domain. Needed if you are using a private/self-hosted API and Auth0 tenant.

  • auth0ClientId: string

    Auth0 client ID. Needed if you are using a private/self-hosted API and Auth0 tenant, or if you have a dedicated App inside Othent's Auth0 tenant to personalize the logic experience (premium subscription).

  • auth0Strategy: Auth0Strategy

    Default: refresh-tokens

    Possible values are:

    • refresh-tokens: Use refresh tokens for authentication. This is the most secure and robust option.

    • cross-site-cookies: Use cross-site cookies for authentication. Not recommended, as this won't work in browsers that block cross-site cookies, such as Brave.

  • auth0Cache: Auth0CacheType

    Default: memory

    Possible values are:

    • memory: This is the most secure and recommended option/location to store tokens, but new tabs won't be able to automatically log in using a popup without a previous user action.

      However, by setting the persistLocalStorage = true option, the user details (but not the refresh / access tokens) will be persisted in localStorage until the most recent refresh token's expiration date, allowing you to read the user details (.getUserDetails() / .getSyncUserDetails()) and make it look in the UI as if the user were already logged in.

    • localstorage: Store tokens localStorage. This makes it possible for new tabs to automatically log in using a popup, even after up to 2 weeks of inactivity (i.e. "keep me logged in"), but offers a larger attack surface to attackers trying to get a hold of the refresh / access tokens.

    • custom: Provide a custom storage implementation that implements Auth0's ICache. Useful for mobile apps (e.g. React Native).

  • auth0LogInMethod: Auth0LogInMethod

    Default: popup

    Possible values are:

    • popup: Open Auth0's authentication page on a popup window while the original page just waits for authentication to take place or to timeout. This option is faster and less intrusive.

    • redirect: Navigate to Auth0's authentication page, which will redirect users back to your site or auth0RedirectURI upon authentication. Once they are redirected back, the URL will show a code and state query parameters for a second or two, until the authentication flow is completed.

      See: loginWithRedirect, handleRedirectCallback, loginWithPopup.

  • auth0RedirectURI: Auth0RedirectUri | null

    Default: location.origin** (when available in the platform) **

    Auth0's callback URL (redirect_uri) used during the authentication flow.

    See Auth0's Redirect users after login

  • auth0ReturnToURI: Auth0RedirectUri | null

    Default: location.origin** (when available in the platform) **

    Auth0's logout URL (returnTo) used during the logout flow.

    See Auth0's Redirect users after logout

  • auth0RefreshTokenExpirationMs: number:

    Default: 1296000000 (2 weeks)

    Refresh token expiration in milliseconds. This should/must match the value set in Auth0. On the client, this value is only used to set a timer to automatically log out users when their refresh token expires. Incorrectly setting this value will make users think they are still logged in, even after their refresh token expires (until they try to perform any kind of action through Othent and get an error).

  • autoConnect: AutoConnect

    Default: lazy

    Possible values are:

    • eager: Try to log in as soon as the page loads. This won't work when using auth0Strategy = "refresh-tokens" and auth0Cache = "memory".

    • lazy Try to log in as soon as any Othent method is called. This will only work with auth0Strategy = "refresh-tokens" and auth0Cache = "memory" if the calling the Othent method is preceded by a user action (e.g. click on a button).

    • off: Do not log in automatically. Trying to perform any action through Othent before calling connect() or requireAuth() will result in an error.

  • throwErrors: boolean

    Default: true

    All Othent methods could throw an error, so you should wrap them in try-catch blocks. Alternatively, you can set this option to false and the library will do this automatically, so no method will ever throw an error. In this case, however, you must add at least one error event listener with othent.addEventListener("error", () => { ... }).

  • tags: TagData[]

    Default: []

    Additional tags to include in transactions signed or sent using Othent.sign, Othent.dispatch or Othent.signDataItem.

Last updated