
Othent JS SDK decrypt() function

The decrypt() function allows applications to decrypt data that has been encrypted using the active user's private key, similarly to the Web Crypto API's decrypt().

Limitation: There's currently an 8KB limit in data size when using Othent, but this is currently being worked on. Track the progress on this GitHub issue.

Limitation: Also, the only currently available encryption/decryption algorithm is AES (AES256-GCM).

This function assumes (and requires) a user is authenticated. See requireAuth().


decrypt(ciphertext: BinaryDataType): Promise<Uint8Array>;

ciphertext: BinaryDataType

The data to be decrypted with the user's private key, which can be of type ArrayBuffer, TypedArray or DataView.

return Promise<Uint8Array>

A Promise containing the decrypted data as Uint8Array.

Example usage

import { Othent } from "@othent/kms";

const othent = new Othent({ appInfo, throwErrors: false, ... });

// Make sure the user is authenticated, or prompt them to authenticate:
await othent.requireAuth();

// Encrypt data using RSA:
const encrypted = await othent.encrypt("This message will be encrypted");

console.log("Encrypted bytes:", encrypted);

// Decrypt the same data using RSA:
const decrypted = await othent.decrypt(encrypted);
const decryptedString = new TextDecoder().decode(decrypted);

console.log(`The original secret message is "${ decryptedString }".`);

Last updated