
Othent JS SDK getUserDetails() function

Returns an object with all the user details (UserDetails) of the active (authenticated) user account.

The value you get when calling getUserDetails() or when subscribing to the auth event before authenticating by calling connect() or requireAuth() (either manually or automatically by setting autoConnect = "eager"), will be (in this order of priority):

  • The value you pass as initialUserDetails, if any.

  • The value stored in localStorage, if you set persistLocalStorage.

  • null otherwise.

@othent/kms does not performs any type of validation when reading the user details from these sources, and therefore you should treat that data as untrusted and make sure you sanitize it appropriately.

Failing to do that could result in your application being vulnerable to XSS if an attacker manages to tamper with these values.


getUserDetails(): Promise<UserDetails | null>;

return Promise<UserDetails | null>

A Promise containing all the user details of the active user, or null if the user is not authenticated.

interface UserDetails {
  // Default from Auth0's User:

   * ID of the user's Auth0 account.
  sub: Auth0Sub;

   * The full name of the connected user created by the concatenation of the `givenName` and `familyName`.
  name: string;

   * The first name associated with the connected user.
  givenName: string;

   * The middle name or surname associated with the connected user.
  middleName: string;

   * The last name or surname associated with the connected user.
  familyName: string;

   * A less formal nickname for the connected user.
  nickname: string;

   * The preferred username for the connected user.
  preferredUsername: string;

   * The image URL of the profile picture of the connected user account.
  picture: string;

   * Website associated to the connected user, if any.
  website: string;

   * Locale of the connected user.
  locale: string;

   * Date when the connected user was last updated.
  updatedAt: string;

   * The connected user’s email address.
  email: string;

   * This field is set to `true` when the user successfully verifies their email address by clicking a verification
   * link sent to their email.
  emailVerified: boolean;

  // Custom from Auth0's Add User Metadata action:

   * Every user account has an associated Arweave wallet. This is the public key of the associated Arweave wallet,
   * derived from `sub`.
  owner: B64UrlString;

   * Every user account has an associated Arweave wallet. This is the wallet address of the associated Arweave wallet,
   * derived from `owner`,
  walletAddress: B64UrlString;

   * The wallet address label. This is either coming from ANS or `"{Auth0Provider} ({email})"`.
  walletAddressLabel: OthentWalletAddressLabel;

   * The authentication protocol used (this will always be "KMS").
  authSystem: "KMS";

   * The authentication provider (social network, platform...) that was used to sign in.
  authProvider: Auth0Provider;

Example usage

import { Othent } from "@othent/kms";

const othent = new Othent({ appInfo, throwErrors: false, ... });

// Make sure the user is authenticated, or prompt them to authenticate:
await othent.requireAuth();

// Obtain the user's details:
const userDetails = await othent.getUserDetails();

console.log(`This is all the information a dApp can get from you ${ JSON.stringify(userDetails, null, '  ') }.`);

Last updated